Idiot The Killer

It all started one day when I was in a donut store.
When I was in the store, I heard screaming out of nowhere and thought to myself that something might not be right.
So, like any natural person in this kind of story, I acted overdramatically to said scream even though it was someone getting shot, which was no big deal.
Anyways I set my blueberry glaze donut on the corpse of the girl that was shot and killed, I thought maybe she'd enjoy it.
Anyways, I got home finally and started up my computer to watch videos of fat men dancing with horse heads.
Oddly enough, my computer refused to open Internet Explorer, although since this is IE we're dealing with, that's no surprise.
So instead I opened this file named "ScaryProgram.exe", I thought nothing of it and just proceeded to double click it.
When I opened it IE popped up, strangely. But it wasn't normal, no. All text where replaced with sixes, and I thought:
"Well, by the law of all creepypastas, more than two sixes next to each other in one number means a bad thing so I will proceed to be scared."
I then started having a seizure and tripped on a bowl of random potato salad that appeared out of nowhere. Then blood started coming out of my head, but I thought nothing of it and got back up and continued to explore the program.
As planned, I went to YouTube and found disturbing videos. All of them were labelled "video". I clicked on one and found something horrific...
...There were videos of feminism extremists arguing, comments from angry kids, modern society, any many other gruesome things.
And I then I thought "Well, since I just watched a random video, now I'll randomly decide to commit suicide because creepypasta."
So then I grabbed the bowl of potato salad and drowned myself in it until there was blood everywhere. Then I died, despite the fact this story exists.
And despite the title, no knife killer character appears in this story at all so bye, I need to be dead because the story says I have to.